Tag: friends
Tapapiés, murales, y Retiro, ¡por dios!

My routine during the week has all but solidified – Monday through Thursday, I wake up early and catch the metro from Delicias to Las Tablas, work at school until 4 and then teach one or two private English lessons, and finally stop on my way home for groceries or a caña with a friend. Luckily the private lessons I give cover my weekly
Un finde calmado e introspectivo
As I am growing into my routine here in Madrid I’m so happy to be meeting new people and developing closer friendships. Last weekend was a blast! All of the English assistants at my school had Friday off, so we united in Retiro to reflect over some tentempiés and vino. A few had to split off before to sunset to eat, but Becky, Sarah,
It’s a wonderful world with Leighanne in it
This last semester at school has proven itself to be a bit monotonous thus far – I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve done all of this before and I’m itching to embark on adventures ahead. My weeks have started to follow a common timeline: I’ll get out of bed fifteen minutes after my 8 o’clock alarm goes off Monday through Friday, make breakfast,
Whirlwind weekend in Washington
After a long week of preparation, my mother, sister, brother, and I pulled out of our driveway. It was 9 PM. The whole family takes an annual trip to Cape Ann in Massachusetts to visit my father’s family and participate in hometown traditions. DC is on the way, and I had not yet applied for my Spanish visa, so my family dropped me off
North Carolina Museum of Art

Raleigh || 2 October 2016 October has begun and I could not be more excited about it! Any day now I will be enjoying the crisp air, changing leaves, and not sweating through my shirts even day. I have even started decorating for Halloween– my golden skull candle is displaying itself proudly on my desk (as if it hasn’t been there all year) ((it
Final Boston Projects
Not Massachusetts || 11 August 2016 Last week was a big one for me! I left my 9-5 in Boston along with lots of friends and loved ones in pursuit of my undergraduate degree in my hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina. It was a huge step for me– I have networked and grown as a photographer in the Bay State, but something deep inside
Beacon Hill || 13 June 2016 Spring has quickly transitioned into summer weather here in Boston. Although I need to wear pants some days, everyone here is definitely in the summer mentality– walking much more often, taking day trips to the beach, sitting outside to read, and soaking up sun in community spaces. This is one of my favorite times of year– people are
Film Frenzy, Pt II
Boston, MA || 5 May 2016 I took my last day off from my 9-5 to visit New England School of Photography. While there, I developed some old rolls of film and made a few prints of my favorite exposures. I also took the last hour to scan some of me favorite negatives. I love film so much. As I’ve written before, I love