In wrapping up my time here in Raleigh I have felt the need to live life to the fullest that I possibly can and document as much of it as possible; I would hate to regret not making the most of my time once I move to Madrid. As such, I have kept plenty busy since the end of August. I’ve kept a physical journal with a pretty detailed account of what I’ve accomplished each day up to this point to reflect on it later.
Breakfast at the beach Red capturing sunrise Visiting Appalachian Sunset at Caldwell Caldwell Clouds Jack-John at Flat Rock Boone Sunset Leah at work Sunrise at one of my favorite spots on the Blue Ridge Parkway Hurst and Sam on a hike Dennis and me at Hopscotch Dennis, Red, Noah, and me at the beach Red reviewing his photos Red and Alyssa at Ruby Deluxe
In the past two weeks I have quit my summer job, visited the beach with those closest to me this summer, bid farewell once more to my college town and favorite professors, gone to a music festival, had numerous photo shoots, and spent considerable time with friends and family. Somehow I have still had time to pack my bags and make final preparations – I am looking forward to the solitude I will experience on the plane and during the first few days in Madrid, that goes without saying.
One of my favorite photo shoots this summer was for Melissa and Dennis – I took photos of Jorge about a year ago and was happy to be published in my university’s student magazine last semester. Jorge’s two new roommates wanted similar photos to hang up on their wall next to his. I had a lot of fun with these!
Melissa as Blossom Dennis as Buttercup Jorge as Bubbles
All that’s really left for me to do is weigh my bags one more time and get on the plane. I can’t wait to embark on this journey. ¡Nos vemos pronto!