Category: Travel
Bienvenidos a Madrid
Wow, the past two days have been a whirlwind. I’m completely drained but I have had so much fun! Danielle and I met up at the Charlotte airport on Monday morning and sped through security no problem. We walked around the terminal for an hour or so catching up about our summer jobs, sharing excitement about our upcoming adventure, and exchanging tips on life
Eclipse 2017: Totality in North Carolina

The eclipse had been on my calendar for eight months before August 21– I am quite a space nerd, and I was not going to miss the chance to see the sun fully eclipsed by the moon. I was so happy to learn that the path of totality cut through the southwestern tip of North Carolina! My brother Ford stayed at the Ironhorse lodge near Robbinsville
Best of 2016
1 January 2017 New Year’s Day gives us an opportunity to reflect on the past, plan for the future, and nurse the worst hangover of the year. Thinking back on the last twelve months turned out to be a bit overwhelming– 2016 brought a lot of fun, a lot of change, and a lot of growth. My life now is wildly different from what
Spooky Salem
I felt the leaves crunching under my feet, crisp like the afternoon breeze on my face. Above me were gangly branches, some still outfitted with brilliant oranges and reds. Calm and appreciation washed over me. I felt rejuvenated and empowered. If you have been following my Instagram at all, you know that I was in the Boston area last weekend visiting friends and family.
Beloved Boone
Boone, NC || 7 September 2016 After following her for almost a mile, the forest opened up to a grassy field. I was speechless. I had the opportunity to visit a few college friends in the mountains over Labor Day weekend. We shopped around in downtown and went hiking on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Boone is the home of Appalachian State University, known most
Film Frenzy
Stratford || 17 April 2016 I just got back from Hunt’s with my developed film from my last group outing. It’s so good to shoot analogue from time to time. I find that I take more care in composing the shot and that I appreciate getting the final product a lot more in the end. Most of these photos are from a recent excursion
Family Visits
Washington, DC || 22 March 2016 I met my mom and brother in the Capitol a few weeks ago. We spent three days in the outskirts of the city, a short walk from a stop on the Silver Line. I was nerding out about the Metro for a number of reasons: I was in the middle of rewatching season two of House of Cards,
Lincoln, New Hampshire || 30 January 2016 I had the pleasure of taking a day off with a few of my best friends from work to journey up to White Mountain National Forest. I had never been before and I knew the mountains would look stellar this time of year. The drive up was a bit tedious– not significantly longer than any other day
The High Line || 1 November 2015 I woke up early on Thursday morning to board a bus to New York City for the Audio Engineering Society convention. I arrived when there wasn’t much going on at the convention center, so I took the opportunity to explore the Big Apple for a few hours. New York City baffles me a bit– it’s the subject